On the way to class
oh ya, i re-bonded my hair ad...
n i love the natural finishing
New 4 coach train
damn long man...
Kitty accompanies me everytime when i go to class
Lunch at Little ben' with Shirley
not very nice
On the way back, there is these two girls sitting opposite me and one of them tries to snap a photo of me using a phone of her fren's. I was like errrrrrrrr, wth!!???
Then she positions her phone on the knee as if like I can't notice,
Ok lo, let her take.. MANA TAU... =.=
Then she look at the picture n perhaps she did not get a good pic of me and this time she more brave.. Straight take up her phone like all of us usually takes pictures and AGAIN FLASHED..
Moral of the story: Taking other people picture secretly WHY on earth want people to notice?! Some more twice!!
But may be she is not taking my picture XD *PERASAN*
Dinner at pj lala
The lala is Super Yummy...
After that we go Tropicana Mall to watch movie
Tooth Fairy!!!Amnesia dust checked, cat-away horn checked, invisible spray checked, fairy wand checked, shrinking toothpaste checked, winds checked.. Here comes my tooth!!
"I'm the Tooth Fairy, OH YeaHHHH...."
We want to take group picture inside the cinema, but failed!!!
Nicole feeling not well
half way movie she go out n vomit~
then after movie she vomit again~~
take care ya Nicole!!!
Till then